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True Love Waits (2015, 2017, 2018)


Purpose: To teach youth God’s command to sexual purity to preserve God’s plan for humanity without sexual immorality.

This is the first time we offered the “True Love Waits” (El Amor Verdadero Sabe Esperar). To this event that took place at “A Tu Gusto” restaurant, 185 people between youth, parents, church leaders were present. The youth present came from various local churches, and the speakers were pastor Abel Perez from the First Baptist Church in La Chorrera, and pastor Encarnación Torres from the Fuente del Chase Baptist Church also of La Chorrera. Of those present, 95 youth made “sexual purity” pledges to God. The local Christian worship team “Grupo Trigo” presented various worship songs. The youth was treated to a sit-down dinner and were required to dress as if they were to dine in the presence of Jesus.  

The other three events 
One at Casa de la Cultura in La Chorrera, to 26 youth attending summer programs there (2017). 
One at Filadelfia Christian Church in La Chorrera, to 19 youth (2017) 
One at Casa Beth-El (2018) was assisted by 32 youths from the Trapichito Middle School, La Chorrera. 
All these events followed the same theme/program.